Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kinda cool to know that there are people as irritating as me last time by "advising" you to put pictures into your blog.

Err HELLO. Im not pointing fingers here, but seriously, telling somehow HOW to blog is crossing the line. Telling someone to update is okay. But if I was interested in the trouble to actually post some pictures, I WILL do it. But if i don't, just read. If its too wordy, the big fat red cross on the top right hand corner of the window isn't there for fun. CLICK IT.

Left, for the mac users. But if u didnt know that and u thought i was WRONG for assuming that all the big fat red crosses are at the top right, u can EAT SHIT.

SCREW YOU. I like it wordy. My pictures are considered gifts, they come when they come. Dont expect any. Im the kind of person that reads anything even its too wordy. If you can't, then LEARN to. duhhhhh

But since im SO free now because everyone is slacking, here are some of the pictures that i might or might not have stolen from someone else. TEHEHE.

Here is the inside view of the living room with the 4 stories high spiral staircase that has a really suspicious support structure. On the left is all the teak-y furniture with cable TV.

Discovery and National Geographic Channel FTW. HBO too. Star Movies do help sometimes.3

Some random pictures while out on a little lunch organized by the company out to steal my very first day off. Kena sai!

Some stupid lake. It looks cold, and misty. HELL NO. Its just SOOT and just HEAT. The subsequent rain did clear the skies abit, but the road got real dirty.

hmmmmmmm....yellow umbrella..shahirah fails at colour matching...
But as you can see, im the most dashing of them all. HAHAA

Im obviously not bothered...In this picture is a couple and 2 lesbians and one completely straight guy.

Before lunch. Must wait for dua pai CEO. Reached at 1030. they arrive at 11:30 instead of the planned 11am and they blame us for being 2mins late for the subsequent mini meeting cum training. HAHAHAHH HELLO! Be fair dude. At least we arrived and we were waiting downstairs because none of us knew what to do. BAHHHH. Bullshit.

The CEO had a great speech on timeliness. It was pretty cool. Learned some new stuff. I like him. He doesn't exude the kind of ranking barrier although to tell u the truth, i didn't even know his name. HA!

But still, he was late for lunch... about his timeliness...i've comments. Its just irony. Pure plain irony.

CEO: Yes, i agree with Allan how important time is. One shouldn't be late bla bla bla. Im now 65 and I bla bla bla
Juan: err OKAY NOTED.

Somehow his speech was about timeliness. So i guess we actually helped make his lesson work out just fine. Nv thank me. basket.

The barley minty sweet he gave did help soothe everything out abit!

Something interesting is that the main office of the company is in a highly regarded hotel called the Horison Hotel that once hosted the Asean Summit in 1996 but the actual operation center is err....improvement needed much?

Vietnam's national day is coming. Its gonna be a full 4 days off from work! yay!

And i still dont know when im gonna start teaching Mathematics. Not so soon they say...

Shahirah bought a full 10 original seasons of FRIENDS. Yes!

Gonna leech off her.

Me ishhh genius w0rhx. muawahhahahaheheherofllmaowtflol

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