Monday, April 13, 2009


yesterday the taxi to work cost only SGD1 ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. But the trip back was $4.60 -.-. Thats the thing about Hanoi.

Hanoi has a million and one shortcuts. But the traffic is SO messy and SO unorganized that turning or missing a turn isn't something shocking. The trip to work costs only $1 because it was a shortcut. It isn't even a proper road. But its vietnam, no roads are improper for even the biggest cars. Thats kinda like a beauty of Vietnam. Very flexible.

Shahirah beat me to it. We took a cab today and it cost only 90cents cos it was her turn to pay. ZZZZ.

Didn't have a proper lunch today. The girls went to change money and the guys thought i was with the girls cos they saw the girls left. But i was all alone in the room doing my work! So the guys went to have lunch without me! HURRR. So in the end there was no one that could speaking vietnamese and i knew ordering vietnamese food is gonna be a HUGE challenge. Furthermore the 2 girls are not taking meat which means they basically cannot eat anything other than seafood. TSK.

Settled my lunch with cup noodles and chewing gum. LOL.

Today in the change i got back, was a 2000dong coin, equivalent to 20cents SGD, approx. I coincidentally had 4 pieces of SGD1 coins in the pouchy section. and the 2000dong coin was the same shade of colour. So i braved up and did the ULTIMATE hand signal to get it changed to a note so that i wont be confused. And i cant believe it...I MADE IT! HAHAHAHAHA

And yes, i fell a few days back. It was funny, so i laughed. Its been some time since i last fell. Since like primary 6? I remember i fell once in primary 6 while training for a sports day event. I had to juggle a ball with my legs through a series of cones ( i know, lame sport) and i accidentally stepped on the ball and fell.

I think i fell on my spinal cord or something and i was in shock. Not the frightened kind of shock. My shock was the MUTED kind. I could not speak or make any noise for a few minutes and that seriously scared my teacher. Considering the fact that i fell in P5 too during PE on the field, effectively scarring my hands and legs which bled a considerably bit, he got alittle worried.

Plus i hated to take part in sports day, so i kept telling him i dont want to take part anymore, and somehow, he agreed! Not that because i was lousy okay. haha.

Been marking the Pre-iPSLE papers for the vietnamese on both days. Im quite shocked at their level of competency. Its BAD. real BAD. The simplest of Mathematics Volume question that involves only ONE step and they can get it wrong.

someone thats of sec 3 level doing a PSLE paper and not be able to do it. sigh...

Been told that i would be teaching Pri 5/6 Mathematics too. I'm quite excited! I want to do it! I want to see if i can change someone's life. HAHA. But i need to warm up, need to start to recover back some of my lost skills. Mai siao siao.

Weather has been warming up gradually, today is slightly cooler than yesterday. Its just the air. Its extremely polluted. GOSH. I cant wait to get indoors just to get out of the carbon monoxide filled air. The air is always effectively GREY. Never once clear. I remember when we landed in Hanoi, the plane's TV system showed that we were about 300m above sea level. And when we looked out of the window, we saw NOTHING. THATS HOW GREY THE FREAKING SKY IS.

And a bottle cap just kinda exploded on me. It was filled with coke and i was shaking it to get the gas out cos coke doesn't taste as good as pepsi when filled with gas. THATS MY OPINION. So i was shaking and i swear i opened it slowly. For some reason, the cap decided to burst out with alot of force. Shocking everyone. Had a great laugh. lol

Then I accidentally knocked over a 1.5L bottle of coke and it got so hard and filled with CO2. I swear i was seriously scared cos i was afraid it would explode on me. And i was alone in the room. haha. Again, i manned up. I DID IT! I released it real slowly and then half way the sizzling of the air coming out just stopped. LOL. i backed off and then waited for awhile. Luckily it sizzled again. if not, wish me luck.

Haven't been taking any pictures so far. No point leh. Go around taking pictures. haha. I always find taking pictures really lame unless its for art. I just dont like the idea of concentrating on taking pictures and capturing the scenery to show others than to actually take the time wasted to experience what u should actually be experiencing.

Even so if u take pictures only after u've experienced it, you would have wasted far too much time. let the girls take the pictures of me. HAH! im genius. I know that.

Been spending fast because of home cooked dinner. I don't get why its so expensive but its gotta stop. I'd rather not eat or just eat vegetables then to let money flow out of my pocket so easily.

Gonna sit in in suzzana's class today. Gotta see how she teachers so i can pattern pattern in class when its my turn too. ha!

CYA. Im fine, btw. Im used to Hanoi already. Singapore is still the best.

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