Monday, March 16, 2009


My identity is to be kept a secret. I'm so not telling anyone I'm Juan and I'm currently studying in Temasek Poly. I'm not.

So, been out of this whole blogging scene for quite a few months le. 3months or so i guess. I had this LING GAN to post or create something new because:

1) COSTS to maintain. Annually though =).
2) sounded damn copycat.
3) I wanna tell more ppl abt my so not exciting life.
4) Practice this freaking language.

Got lots of things to post, so to those who actually know who have read my blog before(simply all), you will know i love to write long posts with minimum pictures. Added in with the occasional lame joke, thats about all you get kiddos.

Ok. First stuff first.

Exams over, Holidays arrived like half a month ago +-abit. Don't so stingy. (I know im like supposed to practice English, but i'm still typing in singlish. screw it.)

Ever since the chalet for P02 ended, i've basically been sleeping at 0530 and waking at any time from 1445 to 1531. Not seen the morning for ages. Will get to the part as to how i actually manage to type this post at9:36am.

So anyway, results came out already, was PLEASANTLY surprised at the grades i got. 2As, 1B+, 3Bs. Usually was like D+,C. Now, huge jump. Vivian assured me the results would be out on that day, but i just stoned on my bed, holding on to my phone, waiting for the results to be sent to me via sms. But it didn't happen. I waited and waited. I smsed a few ppl to ask if they recevied theirs, all replied none.

And then, as if it was a stroke of coincidence(wrong expression), suddenly smses poured in, telling me they've received their results! haha. Mine too. Was so happy i just hopped out of bed, trying to call someone. Haziq's number was first cos i apparently hung up on him accidentally. Don't QQ.

yeah, so anyway, told my mom about my results so she wouldn't bug me for it. Done.


I followed my neighbour, named Edwin. The infamous irritating immature kid. Apparently he used to play bball downstairs, getting to know some girls in the process. ALL of which, i swear i've not seen before in my 10years living just beside the bball court.

So anyway, he bugged me to follow him to meet up with these girls for supper. Gosh, it turned out to be bloooody fun event. I shall NOT include the contents because it might be too sexual for kids reading. They shall remain innocent as to what they usually claim. hah.

Then on the walk back from supper home, Edwin started questioning me as to what are girls thinking when they are out there choosing a life partner for themselves. He has been whining as to why are all the pretty girls attached to low-level educated men.

One thing lead to another with him insulting their simple mindedness of these men that they are unable to provide a certain and comfortable future for their wives/mate which will inadvertantly lead to an unhappy marriage because someone with a low-level education simply will not earn enough of the big bucks to give his family a proper life. A family if god allowed(i will allow, cos im god).

Yes, most of you will say that even lowly educated people can start big businesses and earn bigger bucks, much much bigger than even a masters degree holder can earn. But the percentage of that happening is so low you'd better dismiss it as that guy being a pure genius, or he is just dirt rich from what his Dad left him.

But then i remembered watching an episode on Chn U(i suppose) featuring Dong Fang Billy who has leukemia interview some final stage cancerous patients i think, there was an old couple that stood out. They were poor, but they obviously still showed that they still really love each other.

That was admirable, but that really wasn't enough. So I got no comments on that, but to let things flow naturally.

ANYWAY, on the topic of lowly educated people, I'm starting to find the importance and fun of communicating with someone intellectual. By now everyone knows the best jokes are always the intellectuals one. Its always the dumb ones that will not catch it. And that sucks.

For me, the best jokes are the kind that is very much pun intended. just like this one:

I'm not saying I'm intellectually inclined, but I'm fine. So people, if you are intellectually disabled, please direct yourself to the GO AWAY sign pointed off the 15th floor of any high rise building. FOllow the sign, do NOT stop.

I'm not elaborating much now. I'm just on my first obligatory post. Details of future happenings will be included next time.

Right now, i need to catch some sleep. As mentioned before, I'm sleeping at like 0530 and waking only at abt 1500. Its so NOT good. So I kinda made a dumb decision. That is to ton all night and day till the next 12am, hopefully I would have been so tired I might very well get that insomnia cured and fall asleep and get to wake up again just like any other normal person.

But its not gonna be feasible. My eyelids are as heavy as, well, how much eyelids weigh. I need to catch some sleep. Screw the insomnia, I will cure it some other day. Right now, I just want a rifle to gun down those pinoys and kids making a bloody ruckus downstairs at the bball court, playing their damn pathetic skilled bball and the kids from the day care centre running around, just creating noise.

I'd so rather listen to the roar of aeroplanes. Please.

TTYAL! Talk to ya all later!

1 comment:

  1. The only thing i like about this post is the PHOTOS.
