Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finally I have time to type something.

First things first. I passed my FTT! haha. Is it me, or does the chinese nationals always fail their theory tests? I always see them complete the tests first, only to receive the FAIL screen. Their loud sighs and the disappointed looks in their face simply brightens my day. hahaha.

Poor thing. I still remember when I was in Shanghai, the drivers in order to cut the queue and the traffic jam, drove onto the pavements where pedestrians are walking. Not one car. But vans and buses too. Totally scary. But who cares. It was fun.

And I think I'm totally gonna melt down with anger. Till now I still haven't receive a confirm date for departure for my OSIP. I mean, how can something so simple take so long?! I'm supposed to fly off on 1st March. Till now, its not even settled!

Then my parents will keep complaining to me why is Angelina(the trip coordinator) so inefficient. I think so too. But considering that she is the sole coordinator for all the trips, I kinda just let it go. Its not an easy job either. I'm not going OSIP again next semester either, so I don't really have to care about what she does for the other groups next time.


Aiya, so anyway, i've been in the ultimate dilemma. Its over something extremely basic. A sweater. I currently do not have a proper one, cos well, Singapore's weather condition doesn't command for one. I do have one sweater though, but its made of wool and it totally looks like what you would wear in winter. It was fine, i wore it in China back then when the temperatures were about 13degrees.

But this time, Hanoi is averaging between 20 to 27degrees. With winds, it can easily be much lower. I was scared of the wind. And i don't know how cold 20degrees is in outside conditions. It isn't easy! Theres humidity and all. But then again, I was so super lazy to go out to get one, even though I've been going out quite abit.

I'm still in a dilemma. But i don't think I will go out to get it. Screw it, I will just freeze in the cold.

Then theres the packing part. I don't know what to pack. I made up a list already, but the list is FWAH. Shirts alone i can easily fill up 20, including formal and sleep wear. Thats quite alot. I'm just cracking my head on which shirts to NOT bring. I can't squeeze every damn thing into the luggage. I'm not interested in getting a bigger one. Cos if i do that, i will totally look like im migrating. Its damn exaggerative.

So everyday now, every say, 2hours. Every 2hours I will log into my Email, hoping for a reply from Angelina about the trip. I'm totally fed up and going crazy over that single email. I can't wait for it to arrive. Why is the Vietnam embassy so freaking slow?

A typical visa application takes about 5days.
I was told to expect a 10 to 14days wait.

I smell inefficiency.


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