Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finally I have time to type something.

First things first. I passed my FTT! haha. Is it me, or does the chinese nationals always fail their theory tests? I always see them complete the tests first, only to receive the FAIL screen. Their loud sighs and the disappointed looks in their face simply brightens my day. hahaha.

Poor thing. I still remember when I was in Shanghai, the drivers in order to cut the queue and the traffic jam, drove onto the pavements where pedestrians are walking. Not one car. But vans and buses too. Totally scary. But who cares. It was fun.

And I think I'm totally gonna melt down with anger. Till now I still haven't receive a confirm date for departure for my OSIP. I mean, how can something so simple take so long?! I'm supposed to fly off on 1st March. Till now, its not even settled!

Then my parents will keep complaining to me why is Angelina(the trip coordinator) so inefficient. I think so too. But considering that she is the sole coordinator for all the trips, I kinda just let it go. Its not an easy job either. I'm not going OSIP again next semester either, so I don't really have to care about what she does for the other groups next time.


Aiya, so anyway, i've been in the ultimate dilemma. Its over something extremely basic. A sweater. I currently do not have a proper one, cos well, Singapore's weather condition doesn't command for one. I do have one sweater though, but its made of wool and it totally looks like what you would wear in winter. It was fine, i wore it in China back then when the temperatures were about 13degrees.

But this time, Hanoi is averaging between 20 to 27degrees. With winds, it can easily be much lower. I was scared of the wind. And i don't know how cold 20degrees is in outside conditions. It isn't easy! Theres humidity and all. But then again, I was so super lazy to go out to get one, even though I've been going out quite abit.

I'm still in a dilemma. But i don't think I will go out to get it. Screw it, I will just freeze in the cold.

Then theres the packing part. I don't know what to pack. I made up a list already, but the list is FWAH. Shirts alone i can easily fill up 20, including formal and sleep wear. Thats quite alot. I'm just cracking my head on which shirts to NOT bring. I can't squeeze every damn thing into the luggage. I'm not interested in getting a bigger one. Cos if i do that, i will totally look like im migrating. Its damn exaggerative.

So everyday now, every say, 2hours. Every 2hours I will log into my Email, hoping for a reply from Angelina about the trip. I'm totally fed up and going crazy over that single email. I can't wait for it to arrive. Why is the Vietnam embassy so freaking slow?

A typical visa application takes about 5days.
I was told to expect a 10 to 14days wait.

I smell inefficiency.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Foreigners! Enough already!

We all know that there are many, and i really mean MANY, as many as 1/4 of the people here in Singapore are foreigners.

China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thai, Indians, Caucasians...

Every now and then we will chance upon the unsightly act done by one of those mentioned. I don't know about you guys, but i like to be fair. And by fair, i mean i am not quick to generalize people purely based on the black sheeps that are among them.

1) Spitting.
I don't know what is wrong with these people, but obviously spitting is WRONG. Its not purely just Singapore's culture that teaches us Spitting is wrong. Its universal. Its ok if they spit onto the grass when they really have to, or if a dustbin is not in reach, i can understand.

But those that spit onto the concrete pavements when the grasses are nicely lined along it, are just being too much. People walk on it for goodness sake. Are they retarded or what? Just because it isn't their country, they can treat it as if they shouldn't give a shit? Even some Singaporeans are really retarded. Spitting on their homeland. So not cool.

2) Littering.
Just yesterday when i was on my way home, the bus had to travel past a temporary dormitory built just beside Paya Lebar Air Base, its pretty secluded so chances are that you've never seen it before.

Anyway, being secluded, one would expect the place to be automatically be clean simply because its so secluded that if they didn't take care of the place themselves, no one would! NOT HERE.
These dumb asses littered like nobody's business. And its not the tissue here and there kind of litter. Its Bottles, Cartons, Food Packets, u name it, its all there. Right smack along the whole stretch of road, lined up nicely as if hoping there would be a wind there to pick everything up.

Then theres Little India's little green fields where they gather after a week's of hard work on Sunday to chill with their own peeps. Thats fine right? I'm cool with them gathering. Infact, I welcome them to gather, theres absolutely no problem at all. Whats not cool, is after they left, well, you know what to expect.

You know teenagers always like to call our Indian foreigners as Bangla? I think its really uncalled for. Because the worst nationality ever to reach our shores, are from China.

No, I'm not gonna blame them for coming to Singapore for prostitution or what. I welcome them, they are the blue-collared workers that help our economy survive. They are the ones willing to do the work Singaporeans don't want to do.

But what i'm not happy is, is that they seem to be invading our country, slowly. Not far much away from recently, China's President Hu actually offered the USA to employ some of their China's citizens. They were simply too over populated. They had to "clear stock", if u may.
Singapore basically decided to be kind, we employed these chinese nationals to our country to give them a lease of life, to be given the opportunity to live a life. I'm sure they were appreciative; at least most of them were.

Slowly by slowly, 7-11 stores start to have these chinese nationals doing the night shift, speaking english so basic i want to strangle them. Even some petrol kiosks are fully managed(operationally) by these Chinese nationals. What country they came from doesn't matter to me. Its their attitude that totally sucks.

Imagine walking into a store, to see these chinese nationals chatting amongst themselves, oblivious to you. Sometimes during the night shift, you see their friends popping by to chat with them over the counter. Singaporeans do have friends popping by to chat at their work place too. But that is occasionally. But what the chinese nationals are doing, are just too much! They would LOVE to finish their chat first before attending to you. And when they attend to you, their accent is OMFG. You sometimes don't even get what they are saying. Is it english? Is it mandarin? Or is it their dialect?

Even bus drivers positions are being taken by them. Imagine someone who doesn't speak chinese boards the bus, asking these dumb faggots who don't speak english at all for directions or if a bus stopped at a particular location only to receive a HUH? as a reply.

Singapore being the aspiring toursim hub, this isn't beneficial at all. What most tourists cannot do is to distinguish the non-Singaporean asians. Basically who they see, are considered Singaporeans. So if they ever board such a bus with a chinese faggot that cannot speak English, Singapore 0, China 1.

As a matter of fact, there is a taiwan show that actually had a topic for the show using Singaporean's english. One woman particularly commented on how intriguing a custom officer's english was when she was getting through the customs at Woodlands from Msia. She actually had the balls to comment on the standard of english of these custom officers. She happily generalized these officers as Singaporeans. Best part was she was commenting on the pronounciation, not the Singlish used by us. For goodness sake, there are quite a number of malaysians working in our police force. Reason being why...read:

Tell me, how many true bred Singaporeans do you know actually can't speak english properly? The qualifications needed to be a police officer definitely proves that true bred Singaporeans are capable and adequate in pronouncing english words effectively. And being born into an english speaking society, even in a non-english speaking family, the exposure to standard english is definitely adequate to not be considered as lousy.

Singapore -1, Malaysia 1.

I have nothing against malaysians. Only for their inherent obsession with wanting to go to war with Singapore. Did you guys even know Singapore was on Orange Alert for military in 2002 about the threats by the msia govt over the cancellation of water supply to Singapore? Back then water from msia was the main source, now, Singapore don't give a shit.

Orange alert was on for 3 weeks, which simply meant that tanks were already being moved to the causeway for war. Red would simply mean ongoing war. It is true.

Ok off topic.

Other than how some Indians really stink, and im not saying that their coconut oil on the hair thing, its their culture, i accept it. But the majority of them don't seem to be a fan of baths. Can anyone care to enlighten me on it? I really want to know. Singaporean Indians are fine. We all form to one Singapore, we are Singaporeans(saying this so i won't be classified as a racist and be charged in court).

Indian nationals in general dress up well, or at least to their best when they go out for their meetings with their peeps. Which is really nice. But the chinese nationals. OMG. Those kind of cheap white slippers with blue straps kind, army pants from dont know where, singlets and all. Stinky breaths, ugly faces, loud voices and their really unhygienic habit.

Spitting seems to be their sport. Littering too. So to be fair, when i was in Shanghai in 2007, i decided to adhere to a saying . I didn't spit, but i definitely littered. It was gratifying. Eat that bitches! And i wasn't merciful in the littering part. I ate while walking their night market and i just ate and threw it on the floor. Much to the delight of seeing what the chinese nationals are doing over there in their own country. There seemed to be also some unity among our Singaporean tour grp mates, we all littered!

I'm sure none of us are expecting much, what we want is that these Foreigners attend to their behaviours well. When in Singapore, do what the Singaporeans do. And if you are one of these foreigners, here are some guidelines:

2) If you can't cook, don't work at my kopitiam stall selling ban mian!
3) Dont spit
4) Don't litter
5) Don't walk in large groups.

I so wanna tag these people and differentiate them from Singaporeans to the other foreigners. Like in dubai, the citizens will usually wear their headdress thing while foreigners don't. At least people know who is who. But in Singapore, omg.

Once i starred at a china national for spitting when he was at a loading bay near my block loading off some cartons. He went to hide in his truck after he saw me. Even saw him looking back at me using his wing mirror. Basket.

Monday, March 16, 2009


My identity is to be kept a secret. I'm so not telling anyone I'm Juan and I'm currently studying in Temasek Poly. I'm not.

So, been out of this whole blogging scene for quite a few months le. 3months or so i guess. I had this LING GAN to post or create something new because:

1) Howaboutsomething.com COSTS to maintain. Annually though =).
2) Qtothewerty.bs sounded damn copycat.
3) I wanna tell more ppl abt my so not exciting life.
4) Practice this freaking language.

Got lots of things to post, so to those who actually know who have read my blog before(simply all), you will know i love to write long posts with minimum pictures. Added in with the occasional lame joke, thats about all you get kiddos.

Ok. First stuff first.

Exams over, Holidays arrived like half a month ago +-abit. Don't so stingy. (I know im like supposed to practice English, but i'm still typing in singlish. screw it.)

Ever since the chalet for P02 ended, i've basically been sleeping at 0530 and waking at any time from 1445 to 1531. Not seen the morning for ages. Will get to the part as to how i actually manage to type this post at9:36am.

So anyway, results came out already, was PLEASANTLY surprised at the grades i got. 2As, 1B+, 3Bs. Usually was like D+,C. Now, huge jump. Vivian assured me the results would be out on that day, but i just stoned on my bed, holding on to my phone, waiting for the results to be sent to me via sms. But it didn't happen. I waited and waited. I smsed a few ppl to ask if they recevied theirs, all replied none.

And then, as if it was a stroke of coincidence(wrong expression), suddenly smses poured in, telling me they've received their results! haha. Mine too. Was so happy i just hopped out of bed, trying to call someone. Haziq's number was first cos i apparently hung up on him accidentally. Don't QQ.

yeah, so anyway, told my mom about my results so she wouldn't bug me for it. Done.


I followed my neighbour, named Edwin. The infamous irritating immature kid. Apparently he used to play bball downstairs, getting to know some girls in the process. ALL of which, i swear i've not seen before in my 10years living just beside the bball court.

So anyway, he bugged me to follow him to meet up with these girls for supper. Gosh, it turned out to be bloooody fun event. I shall NOT include the contents because it might be too sexual for kids reading. They shall remain innocent as to what they usually claim. hah.

Then on the walk back from supper home, Edwin started questioning me as to what are girls thinking when they are out there choosing a life partner for themselves. He has been whining as to why are all the pretty girls attached to low-level educated men.

One thing lead to another with him insulting their simple mindedness of these men that they are unable to provide a certain and comfortable future for their wives/mate which will inadvertantly lead to an unhappy marriage because someone with a low-level education simply will not earn enough of the big bucks to give his family a proper life. A family if god allowed(i will allow, cos im god).

Yes, most of you will say that even lowly educated people can start big businesses and earn bigger bucks, much much bigger than even a masters degree holder can earn. But the percentage of that happening is so low you'd better dismiss it as that guy being a pure genius, or he is just dirt rich from what his Dad left him.

But then i remembered watching an episode on Chn U(i suppose) featuring Dong Fang Billy who has leukemia interview some final stage cancerous patients i think, there was an old couple that stood out. They were poor, but they obviously still showed that they still really love each other.

That was admirable, but that really wasn't enough. So I got no comments on that, but to let things flow naturally.

ANYWAY, on the topic of lowly educated people, I'm starting to find the importance and fun of communicating with someone intellectual. By now everyone knows the best jokes are always the intellectuals one. Its always the dumb ones that will not catch it. And that sucks.

For me, the best jokes are the kind that is very much pun intended. just like this one:

I'm not saying I'm intellectually inclined, but I'm fine. So people, if you are intellectually disabled, please direct yourself to the GO AWAY sign pointed off the 15th floor of any high rise building. FOllow the sign, do NOT stop.

I'm not elaborating much now. I'm just on my first obligatory post. Details of future happenings will be included next time.

Right now, i need to catch some sleep. As mentioned before, I'm sleeping at like 0530 and waking only at abt 1500. Its so NOT good. So I kinda made a dumb decision. That is to ton all night and day till the next 12am, hopefully I would have been so tired I might very well get that insomnia cured and fall asleep and get to wake up again just like any other normal person.

But its not gonna be feasible. My eyelids are as heavy as, well, how much eyelids weigh. I need to catch some sleep. Screw the insomnia, I will cure it some other day. Right now, I just want a rifle to gun down those pinoys and kids making a bloody ruckus downstairs at the bball court, playing their damn pathetic skilled bball and the kids from the day care centre running around, just creating noise.

I'd so rather listen to the roar of aeroplanes. Please.

TTYAL! Talk to ya all later!