Friday, May 8, 2009

Epic rain last night. It was the first time i thanked my parents for choosing to live in a HDB flat.

I'm currently staying in a semi-detached kinda house and i live on the 3rd floor with the roof being a storey higher. I swear the rain droplets are SO freaking heavy that it was a constant drum kind of beating on the roof. It was epic-ly loud.

Woke up to minor floods that are WOW and trees that were uprooted.

Hanoi is at the mercy of the weather god.

So i completed my 3days of relief teaching with the arrival of the new teachers.

The relief, is relieved!

I gave out a Mathematics Exam paper for the students to do. It wasn't a mock test.It was a REAL test. And the students told me they had no idea they had a test.

I thought they were joking.....

They were NOT.

They claimed they did not know how to do a few questions because they haven't learned them. I asked them to skip it if they didn't know.

When i was marking their paper yesterday...turns out it wasn't that new to them afterall. A few of them got full marks for that question.

Vietnamese, are liars.


They claim they don't understand factorise. But they could do it.


Hanoi, the cultured but uncivilized city.

Way to go Hanoi!

Hanoi is everything between China and Malaysia. Basically, NOTHING.

China = Not a wannabe.
Vietnam = Malaysia/Singapore/China/Thailand/French wannabe.
Malaysia = Singapore wannabe.
Singapore = USA wannabe.

Singapore, Im coming back for you! Fiona Xie too!

Overlaying clouds aplenty. Whole city is in darkness. Remember the last time Singapore was that dark due to thunderstorms?

multiply that by about 1.5x.

There you go, Hanoi.

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